Monday, April 14, 2008

Introducing Option #4

First of all, I just want to thank everyone for all of the comments, messages, e-mails, and phone calls I received offering advice. Each one of you made me think of different aspects of this decision, and I appreciate you all caring enough to help me make it. Ultimately, I decided none of the options were going to work.

I axed staying in Greece first. As Rachel pointed out, it's probably not going to be much fun if I have no one to hang out with. And BB, as cool as your suggestion is, unfortunately, hanging out on a beach isn't the best way to spend the summer before senior year with Peace Corps and job applications to fill out.

Now as far as Belize goes, it's obviously an amazing opportunity, but because I would have to be there for a full 12 weeks, I would have no time to just hang out at home with the fam and relax before school starts. Not to mention the money factor, which is a big one - not only would I have to deal with all kinds of annoying paperwork to get funding from Smith, but I would make absolutely no money all summer. This is a problem because (theoretically) I should be helping Mom pay tuition, but also because there are always things to pay for at the beginning of a school year - things for my dorm room, books, etc. It would be nice to not have to worry about those things, you know? Ultimately, as someone else said, I'm trying to be in Latin America with the Peace Corps for two whole years after graduation, so it's not like this is my only chance to live and work there!

The staying at home option definitely has problems as well, which some of you brought up. I'd be doing the same exact thing I've done the past couple of summers, and to be honest, staying with my family for too long drives me absolutely crazy. Not exactly the ideal summer situation.

And so I bring you option #4. I'm applying to some summer camps in the states, specifically nonprofit camps that serve underprivileged youth. I think it's a great compromise. This way, I won't be living at home all summer, but I'll get to be at home for a little while before starting camp in June and will have a little bit of time off in August after it ends. I'll get to work with inner-city kids, which is what I really enjoy. I'll also get paid, and though the pay is not high, my room & board will be taken care of and my hope is that, since I'll be in the middle of nowhere, I won't have anything to spend money on (lol!) and can save what I make. I'm especially leaning toward one of Crossroads for Kids' camps in MA. I submitted my application online this weekend and they already got back to me to schedule a phone interview. I should be having that soon, so wish me luck!

Thank you all again. Love you all!!

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