Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bye, Bye, Miss Athenian Pie...

Wow. My semester in Athens is officially over. I mean, I'm still here (2-week Grecian holiday with the parents starting tomorrow!) but classes are over, I'm cleaning out my room, and almost all my friends have already left or are leaving soon. I have a lot of mixed feelings. I've made some really good friends, so of course the good-byes suck. We all make those promises that we know we're never going to keep, smiling and saying "I'll come visit you next semester!" when we both know we'll probably never see each other again. Then there is Greece itself, and the vibrant city of Athina, a city I have come to know and love - faults and all. I'm excited to go back to the U.S., I really am. I miss my family more than anything else, and I also miss things like chalupas from Taco Bell and the sound of American English. Still, as excited as I am to go home, I will miss Athens. Here are a few reasons why:

1. The Laiki - outdoor farmer's markets that are found on various days all over Athens. I love knowing that on Friday I can walk up the street in Pangrati and choose from a dazzling display of fruits and veggies, all organic and all cheap. YUMMY!

2. The sunshine! It's almost always shining, even when it's cool outside.

3. Tiropita - these are flaky, delicious cheese pastries that are popular for breakfast. I'm seriously in love with them.

4. Bakeries - I've never lived somewhere with so many bakeries. The fresh bread is cheap and delicious. (And of course they make lots of other yummy things too - see #3!)

5. The Nightlife - Ok, so I'm not so into the europop and techno, but seriously, the nightlife here is on point! Most clubs and cafes/bars stay open until the last person leaves, which is generally when daylight strikes. It's a beautiful thing.

6. Tavernas - Traditional Greek restaurants that serve amazing, homecooked food at low prices. (If you visit, however, watch for the tourist traps! A good sign will be the man standing outside harassing every one who walks by to induce them to come to 'the best taverna in Athens!' Uh-uh.)

7. The Acropolis - This should not need any explanation. There is nothing cooler on any other city's skyline, anywhere.
8. The Greek Language - because even though I suck at it, it's a really fun language. I like to practice with Greeks whose jaws drop because I can say a few words!
Anyway, I will see most of you very soon!
Much love,
Marilyn :-)